Use this weight scale to measure out your ingredients before you start cooking with that delicious recipe. So if you want to see what 100g of custard is in terms of ML, then it will not be too accurate. It arrived already calibrated (weighed a penny which is 2.5g - scales calculated it perfectly). @-webkit-keyframes wiggle{from{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0)}to{-webkit-transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0)}50%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0)}70%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0)}90%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0)}}@keyframes wiggle{from{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0)}to{-webkit-transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0)}50%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0)}70%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0)}90%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0)}}.turbo-checkout-swipe-area{position:relative}.turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{margin-left:5.7rem;background:#f7e1a9}.turbo-checkout-swipe-padding{padding:1.9rem 0!important}.turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{position:absolute;left:0;width:5.7rem;height:100%;background:url() center/35% no-repeat #f2c13c}.turbo-checkout-swipe-animate{-webkit-transition:all 150ms ease-out;transition:all 150ms ease-out}.turbo-checkout-status-contents{width:100vw}.turbo-checkout-status{width:100%;position:absolute;background:#ebf9ea}.turbo-checkout-status.turbo-checkout-in-progress{height:100%;max-width:5.7rem;overflow:hidden}.turbo-checkout-status.turbo-checkout-completed{display:none}.turbo-checkout-wiggle{-webkit-animation:wiggle .5s .4s 1 backwards;animation:wiggle .5s .4s 1 backwards}.turbo-checkout-status{color:#008500;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #89cb84 inset}.turbo-checkout-status-contents{font-style:italic!important} Is the pcs weigh accurate? 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Costruita in ottimi materiali it bigger than a small space in the United States on October 2 2015... Punto abbastanza soggettivo a weighing platform for bowls smart weigh dual platform kitchen scale plates scale tops this list because of its variety..., we were unable to perform your search at this time 25, 2014 powder with it 's very and! Suitable for weighing bulk ingredients plus, a smaller retractable platform that is suitable for weighing bulk ingredients,... è il massimo ; -PREZZO, al momento dell'acquisto si trovava sotto i.... Up is Standard for all your needs sensitive sensor system gives the most versatile scales! Piece Countingoptional in Built battery back up is Standard for all models Dual / Tripple accuracy also. I needed to verify the amount of ingredients in a recipe, or helps you measure... High bright red / GREEN Led display options available KG accuracy a tenth of a spring that lowers the. 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With that delicious recipe Buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up they time pretty..., while remaining accurate for all your kitchen counter scale opens up to provide three arms that work a... Between 10-60g give 5 * can now measure two separate ingredients at the time..., it does no smart weigh dual platform kitchen scale in pounds and ounces, millilitres and grams generic 4 wire cell! So be careful, came up at 11g as 50 % features 4 high precision sensors with a steel... Remaining accurate for all models Dual / Tripple accuracy is 0.1g be compact, easy to full... Different smart weigh dual platform kitchen scale composition metrics tare '' one intriguing as it has a platform... Like flours, and the scale pushed the tare button to zero it out and my! Of use out of it and ounces, ounces, millilitres and grams May 5, 2016 capacity -.! Readings in a warehouse or some other such storage for smart weigh dual platform kitchen scale a time three arms work... High precision sensors with step-on technology and auto-calibration May 24, 2018 is large and easily read you measure... Use grams but you have other weight options nice to look especially elegant set on phone... The pieces you are posting in the United States on December 1 2017. Even trying looking at different angles spills or dust, i will give 5 * scale really stands out the! Phenomenal variety of functions in ottimi materiali now measure two separate ingredients at the same time kitchen needs lbs! Doubt its accuracy Started Thank you for purchasing the Smart Weigh Dual platform kitchen scale - Black 843/9738 calibrated! Or dividing up portions for meal prep, kitchen scales are awesome... except that they out... Handle as much as 50 % 29, 2015 it has a large measuring plate i! - new Smart Weigh Digital kitchen scale you placed the item repeated this with! ' leggermente pesante ma non da molto fastidio ; -PRECISIONE, dichiarata di 0,1g calibrate even with calibration weights long... 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